How to Fix errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=could not find the specified shortcut.&errorcode=4

If you’ve come across the error “ErrorDomain=NSCocoaErrorDomain & ErrorMessage=Could not find the specified shortcut. & ErrorCode=4,” you’re likely dealing with an issue related to macOS or iOS file or shortcut handling.

How to Resolve “Could Not Find the Specified Shortcut” Error in NSCocoaErrorDomain (ErrorCode 4)

Encountering an error message can be frustrating, especially when the information provided seems cryptic. If you’ve come across the error “ErrorDomain=NSCocoaErrorDomain & ErrorMessage=Could not find the specified shortcut. & ErrorCode=4,” you’re likely dealing with an issue related to macOS or iOS file or shortcut handling. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to troubleshoot and resolve this issue effectively.

Understanding the Error

This error typically occurs when an application on macOS or iOS tries to access a shortcut or a file that does not exist or cannot be located due to various reasons like path errors, missing files, or permission issues. The ErrorCode 4 indicates that the system could not perform the requested operation because of these problems.

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting

1. Verify the Shortcut or File Path

  • Ensure that the file or shortcut you are trying to access exists at the specified location. You can do this by navigating to the folder directly in Finder or using a file management app.
  • If you are working with an application that uses shortcuts, verify that the shortcuts are correctly configured and point to the right files or applications.

2. Check for File Accessibility

  • Confirm that the file or shortcut is not locked or restricted. You can check the file’s permissions by right-clicking it, selecting ‘Get Info,’ and ensuring that you have the necessary permissions to access it.
  • If the file is on a networked drive or an external drive, ensure that the drive is connected and mounted correctly.

3. Update Your Software

  • Sometimes, these errors can be caused by bugs or incompatibilities in your operating system or applications. Check for any available software updates for macOS, iOS, or the specific application you are using and install them.

4. Recreate the Shortcut

  • If the shortcut is broken or corrupted, try recreating it. Delete the old shortcut and create a new one pointing to the intended file or application.

5. Use Disk Utility to Check for Drive Issues

  • Open ‘Disk Utility’ from the Applications > Utilities folder. Select your drive and click on ‘First Aid’ to check for any disk errors that might be causing the issue. Repair the disk if necessary.

6. Consult Application Support

  • If the error persists, it may be specific to the application you are using. Consult the application’s support documentation or contact their support team for assistance tailored to their software.


By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the “Could not find the specified shortcut” error in NSCocoaErrorDomain. If the problem continues, it may be worth consulting with a professional technician who can offer more personalized support.

Remember, maintaining regular backups can prevent the loss of important data and minimize disruption in case such errors lead to more significant system or application issues.

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